Their Stories Help

I touch and knead my feelings and thoughts to find words of meaning for their light and dark. But for 16 months I heeded the guidance of mentors to observe silence about being in recovery from addiction to alcohol. I wrote nothing. I felt as if my head and hands were wrapped in gauze.

Instead of writing my own story, I read and listened to the stories – both real and fictional – of others. I wrapped my muffled self around the meaning sought and found in their stories.

Fiend: A Novel, by Peter Stenson




With cautions from mentors about sharing so early in sobriety (May 28, 2014 was 17 months), I began to write my story on April 28, 2014. As I discover my story in words, I add new posts to this category, Recovery.

I am so grateful to addicts and alcoholics who share their stories in public, in published words, where I can read them. They help keep me sober.

And writing my story is helping keep me sober in ways I may never understand.