About This Site

The site was launched on August 17, 2013 by me, Anne Giles.

The opinions expressed here are mine, or those of the post’s author, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the authors’ associates, clients, employers or relatives.

Some links to Amazon products are affiliate links, meaning I receive referral fees if users make purchases. I am an affiliate of Mandarin Blueprint and, instead of receiving referral fees, I accumulate credit towards course scholarships to award.

Links go directly to sites unless the link is a .pdf file or the site is slow to load. Some of those links open a new browser window.

I am writing specifically about my professional life in the Bio category. While much of the content of this site is personal, I am writing specifically about my

For a year after the site’s launch, I wrote specifically about my professional life in the Bio category and wrote about my personal life in Autobiography.


This is a WordPress site thanks to years of encouragement from Patsy Stewart. This site uses the Genesis Framework, Prose theme. The site is managed and hosted on our company’s Rackspace Cloud Server thanks to Alex Edelman.


The logo was designed in 1999 by J. Michael Groff and given an update in 2013 by Nancy Brauer.

Images are my own (like this one), purchased from iStockphoto (like this one), or used with permission or by purchase from artists, graphic designers, and/or photographers, with credit given (like at the end of this post).

Transparency and disclosures

Links to Amazon.com are affiliate links to earn commission on sales of linked books and products. The exception, in compliance with Amazon’s Terms of Use, is Work, It’s Personal, of which I am the author, available in paperback and for the Kindle.

The site may have paid advertisements such as banner ads, sidebar ads, and sponsored posts from individuals and businesses.  Sponsored posts will be identified as such.

This site has Google Analytics installed to track site visitors and site activity.

I use iContact for email news service.

I am a co-founder of Cognichoice for which this site has ads. Here’s how to access our Cognichoice demo.

I am the author of Work, It’s Personal, for which this site has ads.

With any questions and comments about this site, please contact me.