Easing Counselors’ Concerns about mHealth: Many Clients Have Mobile Phones

One of the promises of mobile health technology – mHealth – is extending the reach of services to under-served populations isolated by geography, lack of transportation, or physical health challenges. At conferences I have attended about mHealth, I have heard many mental health counselors express concern about the availability of mobile devices to their clients, many of whom live below the poverty level. [Read more…]

What Counselors Need to Know about the Latest Research on mHealth for Mental Health

I am delighted to be facilitating the round table discussion An App for That? What Counselors Need to Know about the Latest Research on mHealth for Mental Health  during the Annual Convention for the Virginia Counselors Association at The Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia, November 7-9, 2013.

The session “An App for That?” will be held Friday, November 8, 2013, 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM, Session #F513, during Concurrent Session V One Hour Sessions. See the full program of Concurrent Session Descriptions (page 15 for “An App for That?” session details) and the full schedule in Convention at a Glance.

The session will begin with a 10-minute presentation. Seating capacity for 10-12 participants per round table will make for a lively discussion during the remaining 50 minutes of the session. [Read more…]

My Name

“What’s in a name?”

“That’s not my name.”
The Ting-Tings

My name has been Anne, Miss Anne, Miss Giles, Mrs. Rimbey, Ms. Giles, Mrs. Clelland.

Here is a timeline of my legal names:

  1. Anne Hayes Giles, 1958-1983
  2. Anne Giles Rimbey, 1983-2000
  3. Anne Hayes Giles, 2000-2006
  4. Anne Giles Clelland, 2006-2013
  5. Anne Hayes Giles, 2013 – Present

I have returned to my maiden name and to the given names my mother and father selected for me.  “Anna” was my paternal grandmother’s name, and “Hayes” is my father’s middle name, and his father’s before him.

Anne Hayes Giles

So if you’re Googling me by one of my names, I hope this post helps you find me.  Here are ways to contact me.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Seeking a Visceral Experience with Art? Read Fiend

I cannot remember having been made more agitated and provoked by a book since I read The Brothers in my late 20s. I am considered a discerning writer, reader and teacher. I feel so vulnerable – writing one more word puts my credibility with all words at risk.
Fiend: A Novel, by Peter Stenson
Yet, I will write more words about Fiend: A Novel by  Peter Stenson.

I wrote of starting Fiend two weeks ago as an audiobook and finished listening to it just a few days later.

I have been struggling since with its dark and light. [Read more…]

Job Opening: Life Manager

Position title: Anne’s Life Manager

Job description: You are to manage Anne’s life such that she would have what she considers a good life – interesting, pleasing, insight-rich, independent and intradependent, meaningful to herself and others. You would foster her self-care such that she would have the well-being and wherewithal for other-care. (From caring for and serving others, she gains much of her meaning in life.) You would assign tasks based on awareness of what Anne can control, not on what she can’t. [Read more…]