The Meth Problem: Coming Soon to a Home Near You

My home“Until if affects you, and if you have any kind of relationship to something that this touches, then it affects you 100 percent.”
– Catherine Sutton, Executive Director of the Montgomery County, Virginia Chamber of Commerce, interview with Orlando Salinas, WDBJ7, September 12, 2013, Straight talk about meth in Montgomery County [Read more…]

Reading and Research on Meth

When I did my mental health counseling internship in 2006, crack cocaine and opiates were the drugs of choice. In my locale in 2013, most of the narcotics arrests are for meth.

I have sought understanding of methamphetamine use and its larger social, political and economic dimensions.

I reported a distillation and synthesis of my online research in Is It Time to Care about Meth?

With regard to books, these taught me about meth and meth addicts most authoritatively, compellingly and efficiently. [Read more…]

Top 10 Components of Great Blog Posts

1. Write the truth. Dig deep to find it. Peel away the layers of your formal, crowd-pleasing exterior like the skin of an onion. Find the curl in the very center that is your truest, purest, most essential self. Write from there.

“We forge gradually our greatest instrument for understanding the world – introspection. We discover that humanity may resemble us very considerably – that the best way of knowing the inwardness of our neighbors is to know ourselves.”
– Walter Lippmann [Read more…]

Is It Time to Care about Meth?

Pundits in 2005-2006 pooh-poohed meth addiction as just uptight America’s latest drug hysteria, another finger-pointing distraction from more fundamental problems like, gee, maybe poverty? The extent of meth as a problem was hard to pin down and remains so. For example, in the part of the U.S. where I reside, in 2008, prescription drugs were a top drug of choice.

But a story similar to this one about meth’s threat to people and property in Scott County, Tennessee may soon be written about my town. This county is only 30 miles south of us and this town is fewer than 10 miles away. Our Chamber of Commerce is beginning to discuss the meth issue publicly. [Read more…]

If an Addict Stole My Purse

Off the record, sources say that nearly 100% of the burglaries in my locale are drug-related.

Still life with new purseMy purse was stolen in the pre-dawn dark from my kitchen counter. I know the time because I was upstairs with my cats, writing. [Read more…]