
This list of handouts is part of a guide to evidence-informed, self-care for recovery from addiction. This list of handouts is a work in progress and was last updated 1/7/18.

Added 8/8/23:

Guide for People with Substance Use Concerns

Awareness Skills

Many of the handouts below have been updated and supplemented on the Awareness Skills page.

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Links in bold are to printable handouts in .pdf format. Handouts open in new tabs.

An excerpt from the handout is provided, as is a link to the comprehensive, explanatory post from which the handout originated.

Printable worksheet of menu of Part II subjects on one page with column to rank subjects in order of importance to the individual.

Addiction Recovery: Realities and Possibilities

Excerpt: After medical care for the medical condition of addiction, this is what research suggests helps most people, most of the time, better than other ways, and better than nothing, to increase the likelihood of abstaining from substances. (Related post)

Needs Assessment: What Might Help You With Your Needs?

Excerpt: After medical care, with what do you most need help in terms of maintaining abstinence or harm reduction? Please rank order the topics listed in the chart below. Feel free to rank order all the possibilities or rank only the ones important to you.

A Look at the Purposes of Substances and What Might Replace Them

Excerpt: Our job today, as quickly and efficiently as we can, is to try to figure out a few things that substances did for you, see a couple of your strengths, try to become aware of a preference or two, then create a short list of things that might possibly serve in the place of substances for you individually, and then figure out what we can do to make a few of those things happen. (Related post.)

When Replacing Substances, Good Enough Will Have to Do

Excerpt: What did substances do for me? Answering that question feels overwhelming! But analyzing my last return to use may help get me started. Let’s break it down. (Related post)

Practicing Awareness: How I Help Myself Now to Handle What’s Next

Excerpt: If I can become aware, in the moment, of what I am giving my attention to, what I am feeling, what I am thinking, and what physical sensations I am experiencing, and do so without judgment, I can use this information to help myself decide what would be most helpful for me to say or do next – or not say or not do. (Related post)

Practicing Awareness: Awareness Check-in

Excerpt: I calm and reassure myself as I become aware of what is up with me. (Related post.)

Using Attention: Discovering My Sensory Preferences

Excerpt: In the moment when a longing to use a problematic substance arises, or the opportunity to use it appears, if I can become aware of my longing, strong-arm my attention away from my longing and toward my preferences, I can help myself increase my chances of not using. Sensory experiences have the most power to draw my attention. Let me spend some time becoming curious about my senses and discovering my sensory preferences. (Related post.)

Becoming Aware of Anger

Excerpt: I can remember a specific time when I felt very angry and how I expressed anger resulted in many problems. In addition to anger, what else do I remember feeling at the time? Without judging myself or others, I can take my time, be as specific as I can, use the Feeling Wheel, and list as many feelings as I remember. (Related post.)

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Self-care is NOT an evidence-based treatment for addiction. However, when treatment is scarce or denied, people with addiction must take treatment matters into their own hands. The table of contents to this guide is here and posts are published in the category entitled Guide.

The views expressed are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the positions of my employers, co-workers, clients, family members or friends. This content is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional advice. Consult a qualified health care professional for personalized medical and professional advice.